- Customer Rating:
- Created: 2016-11-28
- Last Update: 2020-05-08
- Downloads: 83 (view statisticsnew)
- Available at: templatemonster.com
Description by Author
Walden is a clean WordPress theme integrated WooCommerce, which will let you run a fully-featured home decor store. Its content-oriented design can help you present your merchandise in a user-friendly yet somewhat unusual way. Walden was optimized for readability and best user experience through a light color scheme and thought-out typography.This modern theme provides intuitive site navigation by means of a mega menu and categories menu widget. The latter allows you to create a list of product categories with images and optionally show a product count in each category. There are also Ajax wishlist and compare options to facilitate the shopping process. Customers can add items straight to the wishlist or first to the table to compare them by their attributes and choose the right one.
If you want to launch effective promo campaigns, a banner management system will help you with it. You can display your special offers as banners in a grid on the front page. To show a lot of items without page overload, a carousel will come in handy. You can set the number of products to show, filter them by categories or tags, specify their order, enable pagination, and more.
Walden was built with Cherry Framework 5 for easy content management and integrated with a live customizer for easy editing. Using this well-documented theme, you'll set up your store in no time. If you come up with any questions on your way, you can use a free, lifetime service of premium support. Our professionals will readily help you at any time, 24/7.

Theme category
Ajax Shopping Cart calendar Commenting System Crossbrowser Compatibility Drop Down Cart dropdown menu Favicon google map google web fonts sample content Social Options MailChimp Ready Template Background Options Media library Ajax Wishlist Ajax Compare live customizer Performance Optimization product carousel Banner Grid Manager sidebar manager admin panel Cherry Framework 5 Long-term support Optimized Source Code responsive retina ready Sample Data Installer Search Engine Friendly visual editor wpml ready gpl license Ecwid Ready
Software Required
Apache Server, For uncompressing a template ZIP package: WinZip 9+ (Windows); Stuffit Expander 10+ (Mac), WordPress 4.2.x-4.6.x, WordPress 4.2.x-4.7.x
Sources Available
.PHP, This theme is widgetized
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Our Services as follows:
- WordPress Installation. Free
- Installation of Themeforest theme $49
- Installation of Templatemonster theme $39
- Adding plugins to WordPress $29
- Renaming menu $45
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