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Qibla - WordPress Listing Directory Theme

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Customer Support By riccardosuardi, 2017-07-10 via Amazing product! I'm not a Wordpress expert but the support team supported me within hours. Amazing!
I suggest this theme to everyone because it's really simple to use, professional and the design quality is really high!
Good job guys!
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Welcome, this is Qibla

Qibla is the new listing directory for WordPress. Use Qibla if you want to start your Tripadvisor or Airbnb-like directory! Perfect for local businesses owners and promoters or any kind of web directory.

Our demo uses these additional plugins:

Please note: This sale is for Qibla WordPress theme only. Some premium plugins may require additional purchase.

WooCommerce (free)
WordPress Social share (free)
WooCommerce Bookings (premium)
Qibla2Mobile (premium)

Update Logs

=2.0 – 18/12/17=
 * Add: Support for WooCommerce 3.2.6. * Add: Introducing Wishlist feature. * Add: Listings Categories. * Add: Amenties / Categories Listings Relation. You can now hide amenities based on Category context from within the edit term page. * Add: Term Meta can now be set when creating the term within the edit tags page. * Add: Introduce Drag&Drop for map pin. You can now adjust the position of the marker by dragging it when create or edit a listings. * Add: New Role 'manage_listings' for users that can manage the listings within the backend. * Add: Search now allow administrator to select one search, search + geocode and combo that include the search, geocode and listings categories. * Add: Introduce the package manager within the listings edit page for all listings even the ones created within the backend. * Add: Typography font variant and font weight for base font family in theme option. * Fix: Listing Location doesn't get update after ListingLocationStore has been introduced in 1.2.0 * Fix: Author Listings doesn't update in Quick edit. * Fix: Incompatibility with WooCommerce 3.2.x where isn't possible to assign the listing ID when create the post. Prevent to automatically publish the listings on order complete. * Fix: Product won't remove from the cart when a user delete an item not payed yet. * Fix: Author page doesn't show because of the FilterProductsQuery set the queried_object too early. * Fix: Material icons doesn't load due to missing rules in generated vendor.min.css. * Fix: Loop footer listings doesn't show full content if meta is empty. * Fix: Page not fully load when there are no posts in a listings archive. * Fix: Tinymce buttons overflow the container in small devices. * Fix: Quote and double quote may truncate the listing content when submit one. * Fix: Autocomplete appear twice when browser is set to use the auto fill forms. * Fix: Remove the search classes from body if the context is for listings type. * Fix: Updating a term in quick edit doesn't release the ajax spinner. * Fix: Capabilities logic, not work well. * Fix: Capabilities for Custom Post Type and Taxonomy Listings. * Fix: Listings container height on archive listings for No map archive. * Fix: Jumbotron defined in Framework hide archive titles like the author one. * Fix: Search Geocoded doesn't load the correct page if locations term titles use more than one word. * Fix: Archive Listings container collapse when images are not downloaded fast. * Fix: Pagination ajax not trigger if no filtering has been executed at least once when no map archive option is set. * Fix: Default archive descriptions giving support to the multi post type. * Fix: Ajax loader stuck on quick edit terms. * Fix: Search Submit label may disappear in some cases. * Fix: Listings archive list won't scroll when full screen map is closed after a filtering action. * Fix: Homepage template won't save meta options. * Fix: Color picker doesn't work as expected within post meta boxes when site is viewed in firefox. * Tweak: Improve search navigation responsiveness. * Tweak: Various Css issues. * Tweak: Improve typography settings load speed. * Refactor: New Listings Filtering logic. * Refactor: Move functions from `Front` and `Admin` namespace within the main one under the path `src/Functions`. * Remove: Post Formats support has been removed for Listings Post type. * Remove: Listings Format logic. Never used. * Dev: Allow `picture` and `source` in `ksesPost` function. * Dev: Introduce `before` and `after` actions in archive title template. * Dev: Add filter `qibla_discard_init_loader` to allow third party plugin or child themes to prevent the init of the theme and made their own. * Dev: Improve filter logic, the taxonomy redirect fragment now is dynamic, you can pass it as `data-taxonomy` to the input. * Dev: Introduce `qibla_fw_default_map_location` filter to allow to change the default google map. * Dev: Allow `picture` and `source` in `ksesPost` function. * Dev: Introduce SubTitle template and relative view with `before` and `after` hook. * Dev: Validate forms sometimes doesn't set the value of the inputs correctly. This happen when the submit page is different than the action page. * Dev: Fix Select input type when set the `selected` attribute. Values must be exactly the same, so compare lowercase characters. * Dev: Refactored the Autocomplete package, to allow to work with other post types of listings type. * Dev: Listings fetching events are now dispatcher to form element instead of window. * Dev: Fix propagation missed for events fired after the event pagination in archive listings is started. * Dev: Introduce filters to the form type output before return it. The filter take the form of `qibla_fw_type_{type_slug}_output`. * Dev: Introduce `QiblaFramework\Template\Thumbnail` template class. * Dev: Introduce `QiblaFramework\Template\LoopTemplate` template class. * Dev: Introduce js-url (a JavaScript url parser) library. * Dev: Allow to create modals for login / register dynamically by every javascript file. Use DL.LoginRegisterFormFactory(triggerHTMLElement). * Dev: Introduce basic CRUD interface. * Dev: Introduce `UserFactory`. Move logic from `User` class. * Dev: Improve `codearea` field type by using the newly function `wp_enqueue_code_editor`. Old codemirror has been removed. 
=1.7.1 – 21/10/17=
 Fix: Hero full height up to 1366px.  Fix: Hero within singular listings height. Overwritten by the rule for the other pages. Fix: Listings Archive without the map has an additional margin between header and filters.  Fix: Vertical align for Hero content when header is set as transparent and within the single post.  Fix: Task for update listings geocode data must use ajaxurl because it is executed within the admin context.  Fix: ScriptLoader doesn't recognize field slug in php < 7.  Fix: Login/Register Modal doesn't open by default within the add listing submission page.  Fix: Logout Url doesn't work within the my account page because of the wrong namespace in case sensitive Os.  Fix: Logout url appear under every submenu items in main navigation when user is logged in and SignIn/SignUp is not the latest menu item.  Fix: Some issues with the listings location meta updater when some listings cannot be updated correctly. 
=1.7.0 – 2017/10/18=
 Add: Introduce geolocalization feature for listings. Add: Support for WooCommerce 3.2.x. Add: Material Icons. Add: Search now can get google addresses and geolocate users. Add: Allow to set the listings archives without a map from theme option. Qibla > Theme Options > Listings. Add: Amenities within the single listings are now links to the respective archive pages. Add: New option to set geocode search input in Qibla > Theme Options > Search. Fix: A warning for WordPress Social Login when user is not logged in. Fix: Wrong logo image when header is set to sticky when the logo size is greater than the thumbnail image size. Fix: Google Analytics code strip tags. Switched to a text field to allow UA code. Fix: Select2 overlaps color picker within admin pages. Fix: Header Hero content not centered vertically if header is set as sticky. Fix: Prevent glitch on header hero content when page load because of the sticky header. Fix: Remove post type query arg from filter, cause context issues. Fix: Title doesn't appear in search page when framework is active. Fix: Wrong text domain in WooCommerce templates. Fix: Smooth scroll issue with hidden elements. Fix: All third menu level items get border radius. Fix: Escape html class attribute values in scopeClass. Fix: Hero content not centered within the homepage when header is set as sticky. Fix: Hero doesn't appear in search results page. Fix: Sidebar doesn't appear in search results page. Fix: Hero height different when header is set as sticky. Fix: WooCommerce Products list layout broken in widget when product has no price. Fix: Header extra horizontal padding between 1025 and 1080 viewport. Fix: Listings cannot submit via front-end when a term of a taxonomy is a numeric like value. Es. zip code. Fix: Missed to introduce Listing Package Shortcode within the Qibla Visual Composer category. Update: Allow CRUD package to work with new location data. Lat / Lng are now separated meta where address is a term. Remove: Removed locations taxonomy from the search suggestions. Remove: Static search navigation is now removed in favor of automatic suggestions based on listings categories. Tweak: Improve the navigation UX used in search. Refactor: Header search is now a generic search for listings and posts. Dev: Introduce filter named `qibla_listings_filter_form_output_before_close` to filter the listings form filter. Dev: Introduce Geo package, meta query args from bounding coords, latlng factory, Geolocation filtering. Dev: Introduce filter 'qibla_listings_allowed_taxonomies_filter' to modify the list of the allowed taxonomy form which retrieve the terms that goes into the search suggestions. Dev: Introduce Search field input type. Dev: Introduce filter `qibla_fw_prepare_json_builder` to insert extra data within the json send after listings filtering. Dev: Ajax filters can now be executed in both front-end and back-end context. Dev: SvgLoader is now included in back-end. 

Update Logs

= 1.6.1 2017/09/12 =
 Fix: Users when register must not obtain the Listings Author Role. Fix: Login register collapse issue in mobile devices after social login has been introduced. Fix: Unexpected scroll to top on anchors with '#' as fragment. Fix: Modal Login Register on small screens is cut off. Fix: Box model issue on small devices due to a Owl Carousel bug when used within a flexbox container. Fix: Rating on single listings doesn't get the hover state. Fix: Select input type z-index because of Visual Composer Panel. Fix: Missed social login support within the WooCommerce my account page. Fix: Extra space between header and main content when window is too small in desktop devices. Tweak: Social Login box model within WooCommerce my account page. Tweak: Modal, allow to close it by clicking outside of the modal itself. Remove: Remove Contact Form 7 from the list of the suggested plugins. Never used on theme. 
1.6.0 – 2017/09/06
 Fix: Remove the link from user within the comment form that point to the admin edit profile. Fix: Local video doesn't show up on homepage header. Fix: Encoding excaped quote when not needed. Fix: Notice when try to submit a review and Debug is enabled. Fix: Prevent issues on login register modal if no login/register element exists within the page. Fix: google map field type don't load time to time when loaded async. Fix: Use first and last name as user login if user provide both even if separated by space. Fix: Wrong namespace in case sensitive OS. props @Ilyo. Fix: Lost password form lost the submit button label after data has been submitted. Fix: wrong conditional statement when check for recipient type. Fix: strpos third parameter is the offset not a strictly comparison. Fix: Don't add `woocommerce` class to the body element in single listing if the product isn't related. Fix: Don't show the price element when isn't possible to retrieve the product price. Fix: Wrong text-domain for "Add your listing" page title. Add: Sticky Header Option. Add: Slider Revolution support. Add: Localization for it_IT. Add: Autocomplete and custom menu attributes to search form shortcode. Add: Support to WP Social Login plugin. Add: Allow Listing Author to reply to customer reviews. Add: Map Qibla shortcode's into Visual Composer. Add: Smooth scrolling for internal anchor links. Add: Localization for it_IT. Add: AddListingToCartOnBooking to allow us to add the listing post within the booking product cart item data. Add: Filter email recipient on new order and new booking. Add: Visual Composer integration for Shortcodes. Tweak: Align amenities icons within the single listing. Tweak: Reduce the font size for the listing package price, so high price value do not break the UI. Tweak: Improve Login/Register modal box model. Tweak: Set the phone anchors to be clickable. Tweak: Move the related post cta label as option under Theme Options > Listings to simplify a bulk edit. Tweak: Remove the constraints for memory_limit, time_limit and max_execution_time. Try to import whatever can be imported. Improve: Logo MV by introduce new hooks to perform actions before and after the logo markup is rendered. Also, the img now is wrapped in a `` element. Update: Demo content to include new content generated by visual composer. Dev: Fix Radio input type missed attributes values. Dev: Fix datetimepicker type doesn't load correctly on Firefox. 
1.5.1 - 2017/08/16
Fix: Dropdown input is higher than than others. Fix: Don't use html markup within the translation text in review form. Fix: Quantity increment/decrement width within the cart. Fix: Login/Register modal doesn't have correct height on Safari. Fix: Rename languages/ to languages/ Files within the theme doesn't need the textdomain prefix. Fix: Modal Contact Form on single listing cannot scroll the content correctly due to content alignment. Fix: Missed borders style for search navigation items. Fix: Search input height value is wrong on Safari. Fix: WooCommerce table links that are btn must not get the link-text style. Fix: Modal height in IE10, the modal get the whole height of the window. Fix: Alert within the contact form modal is cropped. Fix: Fatal Error caused when a product type element cannot be created but the product is associated to a listing. Generally because the product associated isn't of type of Booking. Fix: The Listing Visibility Duration must be within Qibla Listings plugin not into the framework. Fix: Error when an order is set as completed and there are no listings associated to that order. Fix: Don't show the My Listings page for non listings authors. Fix: Authors Dropdown list doesn't show listings author within the admin edit screen. Fix: Missed to load the plugin language textdomain. Fix: Listings Actions within the my listings page not work as expected if site is not localized in english. Fix: Administrators, Editor, Author and Subscriber cannot access to admin because of Listings Author roles. Fix: Don't show Admin Bar on frontend for Listings Author. Related with the issue of admin access. Fix: Error within My Listings page when package related to a listing no longer exists. Fix: Notice on listing form when trying to remove the breadcrumb. Fix: Check for 'edit_listings' instead of 'publish_listings' for the edit listings form. Fix: User not allowed to create listing posts if user all-ready exists when 'qibla-listings' plugin is activated. Fix: The Listing Visibility Duration must be within Qibla Listings plugin not into the framework. Fix: Wrong translation string for uploaded_to_this_item when registering post type. Fix: Get comment data doesn't need a translation string. There is only a string that contain a positional argument. Fix: iOS issue within single listing page: "This website has been blocked from automatically composing an email" during contact form modal preloading. Fix: Login/Register form show the "Create an account" even if registration are off due to wrong value type evaluation. Fix: Prevent javascript errors when listings archive doesn't contain any filter or toggler. Fix: Email not send when a new user is registered. Fix: Allow to load the plugin textdomain directly from the plugin. Fix: Reset Password is not send. Generate a fatal error in non network installations. Fix: Page still allow scrolling on listings archive page on iOS when map is opened. Fix: Remove the Header skin and subtitle from Listings Categories, Locations and Amenties term boxes. Listings Archives doesn't show any hero image nor subtitles. Fix: Function get_current_screen may not exists whithin the Metabox\Store context because the handler is attached to the "save_post" and not all of the posts are saved within the edit post screen context. Fix: Security vulnerability for internal Textarea input type. Data is not escaped. Fix: Codearea type append slashes to the submitted value. Make it unusable. Fix: No way to store dynamic Css from theme option if child theme is active. Fix: Modal doesn't open correctly in Edge and IE10 Browser. Fix: Shortcode Term warning when term doesn't exists in database. Fix: Phone number within the single listings meta doesn't work as expected. Make it clickable, so it's possible to make a call directly from the site. Fix: Unexpected end of JSON input when there isn't listings data to retrieve. This include listings posts, categories, amenities etc... Fix: Impossible to update the map togglers on resize. Map opening/closing must be triggered only by user. Fix: Missed google_analytics default option. Fix: Prevent optional options to be marked as invalid during import. Fix: Wrong google analytics option value in theme option. Update: Google Map version to 3.28. Update: Code Mirror: 5.27.4, Update: OwlCarousel: 2.2.0, Update: PhotoSwipe: 4.1.2 Remove: "Password will be emailed to you.". WordPress doesn't send any password via mail when a new user is registered. Tweak: Set the overflow for the modal to auto, don't show scroll bars if not necessary. Tweak: Alerts components in small devices. Remove icon and improve typography. Tweak: Flush rewrite rules on import completed. Tweak: Use translation context for default options strings. Tweak: Improve the username invalid description within the register form. Tweak: remove breadcrumb metabox field description. Tweak: Contextualize the settings translation strings. Tweak: Vertical center the loader within the archive listings map. Tweak: Add link to google developer site about how to create a map api key to Google Map Theme Option field. Tweak: Increase php ini variable before generate the dynamic.css file. Will prevent a time out issue in cheap hostings. Improve: Mobile Header. Improve: Promote users to listings author when try to create a listing. This allow registered users like subscribers to be listings authors. Improve: Empty the cart before perform redirect the user to the checkout after a listing has been create. Improve: Remove unnecessary WooCommerce Navigation items from my account for users that can manage listings. Improve: UX by don't allow google map scrollwheel for map within the add listing page. Refactor: Template for the Cart Counter is now a class. Dev: Move the qibla_did_init hook at the end, so other code may act with actions previously added. Dev: Introduce the TemplateInterface. Dev: Apply the 'qibla_kses_image_allowed_attrs' directly to the img list. Dev: Pass fields values and post as arguments to the listing form fields list. Dev: Separate the enqueue for style and script for Testimonial shortcode, so we can deregister the script without loose the style. Dev: Move 'widgets_init' within the filters list definition. Make the Init class coherent with other plugins. Dev: Localize the autocomplete arguments for the ajax call. See dlautocomplete localized script arguments. Dev: Introduce new filter named 'qibla_fw_insert_localized_script_item' to filter the localized script arguments before output. Dev: Introduce new parameter for DataCacheTransient to allow to work with different transients data. Dev: Introduce new filter within Template Engine named 'qibla_fw_template_path' allowing you to filter the file path before include it. Dev: Refactor GoogleMap by implementing Template Interface. Filter callback has been changed too. Dev: Improve Map Field type, now it is possible to pass google map options via php. Use 'map_options' as argument for the field type. Dev: Introduce two new filters to manipulate the base Dir for Scss files and for output dynamic's css. 'qibla_fw_settings_handler_scss_base_dir_path' and 'qibla_fw_settings_css_output_file_path' respectively. Dev: Introduce two new filters to change the 'All Categories' and 'All Locations' filter labels under the listings archive page. Filters are named respectively: 'qibla_listings_filter_category_all_options_label', 'qibla_listings_filter_locations_all_options_label'. Dev: Introduce new filter to change the value of the scss importer string passed as content to generate the dynamic.scss file. Filter named 'qibla_fw_settings_dynamic_css'. Allowing you to include extra css within the dynamic file. Dev: Always load the 'dl-utils' script.  
1.5.0 – 2017/07/02
Add: Support for WooCommerce 3.1.0 Add: Ability to allow users to create listings by fee. Add: Login / Register. Allow users to login, register and get back password from front-end. Add: Required fields now have an asterisk associated to their labels. Add: Modal Contact Form within the single listing. Just click on email icon. Cf7 no longer needed. Add: Main Menu Item styles. Text or Button. Add: Custom user LoggedIn menu. Add: Required fields now have an asterisk associated to their labels. Add: Ability to change the post type and taxonomies base permalinks. Add: Contact Form within the singular Listings, allow to send email directly from the site instead of load OS application. Add: User logged in menu. A submenu within the main nav that allow to create the login/register action and menu. Add: Hide Breadcrumb within the singles and pages. Fix: Front page hero title doesn't resize like other pages. Create problems with long text in small devices. Fix: View Gallery label disappeared from the single listing page. Fix: Checkout review order table Total column shrink if the name of the product is to long. Fix: Incoherent style for quantity element within the single product on small devices. Fix: Reflect the search icon in search form. Make it ltr compliant. Fix: Sanitize Html Class attribute values when using the scopeClass function. Fix: Widget cart buttons no wrap text when button label is too long. Fix: Mini cart products number overflow. Fix: Icons in square article variant go under the article title when the title go in two lines. Fix: Some Hero options not works after parallax was introduced in 1.4.0. Fix: Use instead of the .it in single listing map link. Fix: Don't convert htmlentities for query arguments when used for google map url. Some character may be converted incorrectly. Fix: Checkbox toggler style doesn't work if previously wasn't included another type that enqueue the 'qibla-form-types' stylesheet. Fix: ClassList polyfill add/remove extra spaces combining the class attribute values into one class value. Fix: Notice when the current screen is not set during working with metaboxes. Fix: Sanitize Html Class attribute values within the scopeClass function. Fix: Hidden Form Fields cause Fatal Error when used as standard field. Fix: Undefined index $ID within archive post type page when try to retrieve the sidebar position but the archive have no page associated. Fix: Importer, previously listings were imported every time. Now you can re-run the importer again and again without duplicate any content. Improve: ksesPost function by including: select, option, optgroup tags. Improve: Typography smoothing. Improve: Buttons box model. Tweak: Add the global border radius to checkbox type, make it coherent with the theme style. Tweak: Enhance the radio button style. Tweak: Show the Comment closed text only within the 'post' post type. Not necessary within pages and other types. Tweak: UI, better highlight the checkbox and radio button when element has status of checked. Tweak: Add placeholder to map search input to better clarify how to get suggestions. Remove: Unnecessary features from the tinyMCE for the listings archive description. Dev: New css util class .u-highlight-text to allow text to have the same brand color. Dev: Filter for walker class name to main nav arguments. Filter is named "qibla_nav_main_walker". Dev: Introduce $responsive parameter to the btn mixin. Allow to include media query or not. Dev: Restructure how the --card and --overlay modifier apply their styles. Overlay is for article with thumbnails. Dev: ksesPost function by including select,option,optgroup and include extra attributes to the textarea tag. Dev: Wysiwyg Input class now take extra argument 'editor_settings' to able to edit the settings passed to wp_editor. Dev: Add new parameter $status to QiblaFramework\\Functions\\getPostByName(). Dev: Introduce new class to able to convert Form data to a data that can be passed to the wp_insert_post(). Dev: Introduce new function scopeID(). Dev: Introduce new argument for Field to allow to show the label before or after the input. Dev: Introduce new UpdatePostException class. Dev: Introduce new Utils class Utils\TimeZone to get the timezone according to the Wp options. Dev: Introduce new Utils class Utils\FormToPostDataConverter to convert data from a form to post arguments. Dev: Introduce new filter within the isJumbotronAllowed function named 'qibla_fw_is_jumbotron_allowed' before the value is returned. Dev: Introduce new filter after post meta storage named 'qibla_fw_metabox_after_store_meta'. Allow you to work with the new meta, value and post after meta has been saved. Dev: Introduce new type Password in Form library. Dev: Introduce new body class to know when a user is logged in or not. Dev: Introduce new template for Alert that use underscore template. Dev: Introduce new WooCommerceTemplate class to allow to override quickly the woocommerce templates. Dev: Introduce new function getPostThumbnailAndFallbackToJumbotronImage. Dev: Add "paste_as_text" option in wysiwyg editor when the editor is set to 'teeny' to strip markup characters. Dev: Allow markup within the fields description. Dev: Introduced a new filter 'qibla_fw_did_init' to allow other plugins to hook after the framework have did his stuffs.  1.4.0 - 2017/05/19 Add: Support for WooCommerce 3.0.7. Add: New attributes for sections shortcode. Now it is possibile to set two buttons and define a stile 'big' for the container. Add: Parallax to hero image and section shortcode. Add: Custom order attribute value 'listorder' to the list of 'orderby' values for dl_terms shortcodes. Allowing to order the list of the terms by the order defined in shortcode. Add: 'orderby' and 'order' attributes to the Post and Listings shortcodes, reflecting the orderby and order clausules of \WP_Query. Update: Google map api key. Fix: Suggestions navigation is cut off the hero if theme use a video background in homepage. Fix: Font size increased within article boxes. Keep it only for singular post content paragraphs. Fix: Text selection colors are no applied correctly. Fix: Section Shortcode buttons are not styled properly when the background image is set. Fix: WooCommerce quantity incrementer show up even when the product is sold individually. Fix: Search navigation content is centered in IE10 when other browsers display the text left aligned. Fix: $data value in TemplateEngine is not filtered correctly. Fix: Box model for coupon form within the cart in small devices. Fix: Regenerate the dynamic.css file on theme upgrade. This ensure new styles are applied after the theme is updated. Fix: Wrong name for jumbotron.js file, will not be loaded under case sensitive filesystems. Fix: Header search closing on ESC keypress. Fix: Invalid arguments for autocomplete search when build the data. Some listings may not have terms assigned. Fix: Missed default option for posts_per_page when retrieving the theme option. Fix: Missed default icon for header search form. Caused blank screen if option is not set. Fix: Incorrect value number show on found posts within the archive listings when the option Listings per page is set to -1. Fix: Ajax pagination within the archive listings doesn't work as expected when click on next|prev link due to the icon. Fix: IconList type cannot be unset after the data is saved for the first time. Fix: Autocomplete cache not update when a post or terms are deleted. Fix: Don't show the close button for header search in IE10. The browser show his own close icon. Fix: $data value in TemplateEngine is not filtered correctly. Fix: Single Listing map marker. Cannot read property 'openedInfoWindows' of undefined. Fix: Wrong id attribute value for Review Metabox. Fix: Compatibility Qibla WooCommerce Listings plugin with php >= 5.3.x Fix: Prevent issues if the product has no name when try to retrieve it to decide to show or not the product fieldset. Tweak: Show a generic "Posts" title in jumbo-tron when the front page is the blog page too. Tweak: Box model for the search navigation items. Tweak: Comments box-model in small devices. Give more space for comment text. Tweak: Don't allow values less than -1 in Listings per page option. Tweak: Improve admin post listings table columns. Give more space for other plugins to add extra columns. Remove: Registry Class. Never used. Dev: BaseForm arguments are now optionals for constructor. Dev: Introduce two new formatting functions: stringToBool and boolToString. Dev: Remove localization for Exception/Error's text. Dev: Introduce new filter 'qibla_fw_metabox_arguments' to filter the metabox arguments when the instance is created. Dev: AbstractMetaboxFieldset::setFieldsets now allow to insert additional fieldsets to a current list of fields. Dev: Add new parameter to 'qibla_fw_scope_attribute' $modifier. Dev: Remove localization for Exception/Error's text. Dev: Booking tax query filter is now hooked in parse_tax_query. Allow to set multiple condition within different code context. 
 1.3.0 - 2017/05/02 Fix: WooCommerce single product thumbnail width. Fix: Theme Options json heading colors doesn't match the default headings. Fix: Hero shrink in homepage when the search input get focus on mobile devices. Fix: Google map element is duplicated on Firefox within the single listings when navigate through the history browser buttons. Add: Style for autocomplete feature. Add: Compatibility to WooCommerce 3.0.5. Add: Autocomplete and suggestions for search inputs within the header and homepage. Add: Custom navigation menu search in mobile devices. Add: Taxonomy names to the custom search navigation menu items. Tweak: Speed improvements by micro optimizations. Remove: QiblaFramework\\Front\\Functions\\disableTermArchives function, no longer needed. Also removed the file src/Front/Functions/Term.php. Remove: Amenties column from listings table to prevent ugly table in small screens resolution. Dev: Add New Conditional functions to check for ajax requests. One for Autocomplete and one for listings filtering. The latter take the over for isAjaxRequest (now generic for ajax requests). Dev: Add New function to check and validate the referrer. getReferer() && isValidReferer(). Dev: Add new localized variable named site_url. Dev: Improve the search callbacks by using the instance directly instead of the shortcode. Dev: Update Modernizr with touchevents. Dev: Move postFoundTmpl, breadcrumbTmpl and archivePaginationTmpl outside of archive description. Removed filters too. Dev: Change priority for theArchiveDescription hooked in qibla_after_archive_listings_list from 20 to 30. Dev: Introduce new function listingsArchiveFooterTmpl to group Move postFoundTmpl, breadcrumbTmpl and archivePaginationTmpl. Dev: Remove the dllabels localized script. Never used. 1.2.1 - 2017/04/24 Fix: Wrong value for filter_input on listing's review submission. Fix: Missed reviews.min.js on production environment. Fix: Remove leading backslash from namespaced functions. It's not necessary and may create issues with some php configurations. Fix: Rating list doesn't show up within the admin comments edit form. Fix: Select style within the WooCommerce's checkout page is set to the default style after value is changed. Fix: Deprecated WC_Customer::get_country use WC()->customer->get_billing_country() instead. Tweak: Remove box-shadow from hamburger menu on focus state. Tweak: Add border radius on product price for listings post article to match the theme style. Tweak: Increase the overlay for color by .4 to .5 alpha. Tweak: Select2 borders bottom doesn't rounded when list is closed. 1.2.0 - 2017/04/20 Fix: The blog show the latest post title when the reading settings for front page is set to show the latest posts. Fix: Filter query booking products during 'pre_get_posts' doesn't works as expected in some cases. Fix: Wrong textdomain for 'all locations' string within the listings archive input select. Fix: Unmatched page slug doesn't show Theme Option within Admin if accessed by First Level admin menu item 'Qibla'. Add: Compatibility to WooCommerce 3.0.4 Add: Custom Header Theme Support. Video too. Yes! Add: Reviews for listings post type Improve: Set the script protocol url to relative for google fonts. Future thanks us. Improve: Comment reply form links style. Improve: Refactor comments css style after listing's Reviews have been introduced. Tweak: Reduce the height of the custom logo to match the css max-height property. Tweak: Add +.1rem to the singular content font-size property. Tweak: Don't use the brand color for author name in comment, it can be confused with links. Tweak: Vertical Spacing between elements in single listings header. Tweak: Lighten the Hero overlay color. Move: Gravatar and Rating filters from the default WooCommerce hooks. Now in review.php template. Add consistence after the listing's Reviews. Remove: Header Background functions and hooks. Theme never supported the custom-header. Remove: WooCommerce archive product page title. We don't use it. Remove: getProductGalleryIds function. No longer necessary after Wc 3.x support. Remove: Functions for backward compatibility with WordPress 3.4.x: sanitize_hex_color, sanitize_hex_color_no_hash, maybe_hash_hex_color. Dev: Deprecated getImageIdByUrl() in favor of attachment_url_to_postid(). Dev: Introduce new classes for custom post's Exceptions. Dev: Introduce two new filters within the post title template. 'qibla_before_post_title' and 'qibla_after_post_title'. Dev: Add Conditional function isHeaderVideoEligible to check if the video is set and is eligible to shown into current page. 
1.1.0 – 2017/04/11
Fix: Missed mail to social meta icon in singular listings. Fix: Show Archive title for date archive pages. We don't use jumbotron there. Fix: Select2 style on open state borders. Fix: Post title doesn't appear for custom internal loop if the postTitleTmpl has been called with screen-reader-text argument. Fix: Split mark and selection pseudoclasses. mark must not share the properties with the selection or will not work on Firefox. Fix: Input with appearance none create issues in Firefox. Fix: Input text not showing correctly in winIE 10 UA. Fix: Main content doesn't stretch correctly in winIE 10. Fix: Adjacent posts navigation box model in winIE 10. Fix: Sidebar width in winIE 10. Fix: The search page of the theme loses jumbotron if the framework is active. Fix: Blur event on search navigation doesn't work for some items. Introduce a 300ms of delay after click. Fix: Missed social mail post meta within the singular listings. Fix: Admin locked avatar image size issue. Fix: Section Shortcode cta button href attribute is empty. Fix: Listings Search doesn't work as expected. Wrong sync between the listings posts and the map. Add: Moved some logic regarding Jumbotron (Hero Image) from Framework to theme. Add more internal consistence. Add: New conditional function isDateArchive to test if the current page is a date blog post archive. Add: Introduce new action "qibla_before_single_listing_loop_entry_content" in format standard before the main content. Add: New filters within the loopFooter View before and after the footer content. Add: New actions within the loopFooter.php view named respectively 'qibla_before_loop_footer' and 'qibla_after_loop_footer'. Add: qibla woocommerce listings plugin to the list of the plugins required by the theme. Add: New Listings table columns for listing categories and amenities. Add: Flag to the listings marked as featured on archive loop. Add: TripAdvisor listings social icon. The post meta. Add: Template Tags for scope class markup attribute. The same of the theme. Update: Requirements plugins versions for Framework and Importer to 1.1.0. Improve: Partial refactor the Jumbotron class to able to work with Shop page and add make it much coherent with Framework. Improve: Alerts styles. Make them much cleaner and scss scalable by introducing mixins. Remove: PhotoSwipe from theme. Use the one provided by the framework. The script was included for WooCommerce but it's no longer necessary. Remove: The Jumbotron (Hero) term box options from non blog and woocommerce terms archives. 

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  • Customer Support By riccardosuardi, 2017-07-10 via Amazing product! I'm not a Wordpress expert but the support team supported me within hours. Amazing!
    I suggest this theme to everyone because it's really simple to use, professional and the design quality is really high!
    Good job guys!
  • Customer Support By capitaleno31, 2017-06-26 via Just purchased this theme. Before I purchased I probably asked well over 20 questions. All of my questions were answered by Guido in a timely manner. After purchasing I still had some questions (I have zero tech skills) Guido again walked me through the necessary steps to get my site working. I love how clean and flexible the theme has been. My ultimate goal is to use it in the latino market, with the help of Guido I was able to change the language to better fit my market. Thanks
  • Flexibility By frabiacca, 2017-06-10 via Well done and great customer care support :)
  • Customer Support By alfredbpht, 2017-06-08 via "Customer Support and Design Quality is Great!" They take care of you. Thank you for the continuing support and creating a great design. You help our Business.
  • Customer Support By BlackFangDesign, 2017-05-19 via
  • Customizability By ppdesignstudio, 2017-05-15 via
  • Customer Support By otaviolima, 2017-04-15 via Fantastic Customer Support!!!
  • Design Quality By dominic, 2017-04-13 via Great design and relatively simple to use!
  • Customer Support By rosannelangenberg, 2017-04-10 via Very helpfull!
  • Customer Support By powerbroker4, 2017-04-05 via The Customer Support is the best!!
  • Customer Support By Blader82, 2017-03-30 via The customer support was excellent!Fast and efficient.
    I hope this to continue in all of 6 months support!
  • Code Quality By Chakalol, 2017-03-27 via great work. seems you can make a lot with it.

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